Yard Drainage Issues? Install a Rain Garden.
Why a Rain Garden?
If you are experiencing yard drainage issues then the rain water, left behind by storms, isn’t getting to where it’s most beneficial. Perhaps you are experiencing flooding in your yard, driveway, or worse yet your basement. Chances are a properly planned and installed rain garden can help.
A rain garden is a garden bed that’s designed to collect the water when it rains. It’s purpose is to reduce the storm water run off from your property. Rain gardens are designed to allow water to percolate into the ground within 24 hours, thereby inhibiting pesky mosquitos from hatching and rain water from washing contaminants like fertilizer into the sewer system and ultimately the Chesapeak Bay. Plus, eco-friendly rain gardens can:
- Be gorgeous to look at.
- Create beautiful splashes of color in your landscape.
- Offer a tremendous improvement to the quality of water in our rivers and bay.
- Be a sanctuary that offers food and habitat for local animals and insects.
- And, most importantly, alleviate your yard drainage issues.
Plus, Howard County offers deep discounts, up to 1/2 off for residents installing raingardens.
There is a lot of planning that goes in to locating, designing and building a rain garden. Complete the form on this page and we will give you, completely free, our rain garden informational package.
Example of an established rain garden
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