Howard County Native Plant Sales 2015

Feb 11, 2015 | Blog

Native Plant Sales for Landscaping in Howard County

We’ve been working with and promoting native plants for a long time. I am so happy that the native plant excitement and interest is spreading. We’ve noticed that there aren’t any great places in Howard County and the surrounding areas where you can shop a nice selection of native plants. Lauren’s Garden Service has a vision of a small garden center with mostly native plants available for you in the near future. For now, though, it’s only a dream!

How can we make native plants more available to Howard County and surrounding gardeners, give back to the community and also be available to educate and help gardeners select plants? By sponsoring some local native plant sales in the spring. Last year we offered 4 native plant sales and the turn out was incredible! We had the Howard County Master Gardeners, Howard County Watershed Stewards and many other local groups spreading the word and showing up to buy plants. It was awesome.

One sale was at a local children’s school in Catonsville where my kids attend- Mothers Day Out of Westchester (spectacular school for PreK). We raised $892 and sold 412 native plants and herb/veggie starts!! We enjoyed talking with parents about plants and gardens.

Native Plant Sale at Mothers Day Out of Westchester

One native plant sale was at Robinson Nature Center and benefited Patapsco Heritage Greenway. Another sale was at a local friends house on Stonewall Rd in Catonsville, also to benefit the Patapsco Heritage Greenway. We ended up selling 668 native plants and veggie/herb starts and raising $1222 to donate to Patapsco Heritage Greenway and also donated 25 plants to Robinson Nature Center.

Shop a nice selection of native plants in Howard County

Shop a nice selection of native plants in Howard County

Our 4th sale was at Mt Ida located near the Patapsco Female Institute in Ellicott City at the picnic in the park event. This one was to benefit the Friends of the Female Patapsco Institute. We raised $700 to donate to the group and sold a total of 147 native plants! A couple of friends and my wonderful husband, helped out with these events (thanks guys!). We had a BLAST talking with people about plants and helping them select the right plants for their specific gardening needs.

This year we will do it again!

Native Plant Sales 2015

April 18th 10-4pm Greenfest– Howard County Community College: Talk on Attracting Wildlife to Your Yard at 1:30pm, Classroom N220 (Milkweed seed giveaway). Visit our table to enter a raffle to win a gorgeous container garden. Below is a photo of last years container gardens. We will also have a table outside selling native plants as part of the Greenfests’ Native Plant Sale!

Greenfest Container Giveaway

2014 Greenfest Container Giveaway

April 25th 10-4pm Earth Day Celebration at Benjamin Banneker Museum, Catonsville. There will be a milkweed plant giveaway.

May 3rd 10-4pm Native Plant Palooza at Robinson Nature Center, Columbia–Talk on Attracting Wildlife to Your Yard at 1pm. There will also be a milkweed plant giveaway.

Check us out at or on Facebook for more info on natives and gardening in HoCo and surrounding areas. Get tips on plants for shade, deer resistance, low maintenance, sunny steep slopes and much more!

A portion of the sales benefits local environmental groups that promote eco friendly garden practices and the use of native plants. Experienced gardeners will be present to help with your selections.

Accepting Cash or Cards


1gal- 1 for $11, 3 for $30

1qt- 1 for $7, 3 for $20

Please tell us what native plants you hope to grow this year! Here is a list of what we have for sale:

Locally Native Plants For Sale This Spring 2015
Size Category Latin Name Common Name Native To Price
1qt Fern Adiantum pedaum Maidenhair Fern MD Piedmont $7
1qt Fern Osmunda regalis Royal Fern MD Piedmont $7
1qt Fern Polystichum acrostichoides Christmas Fern MD Piedmont $7
1qt Grass Carex pennsylvanica PA Sedge MD Piedmont $7
1gal Grass Chasmanthium latifolium Northern Sea Oats MD Piedmont $11
1gal Grass Panicum virgatum Switchgrass MD Piedmont $11
1qt Grass Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem MD Piedmont $7
1gal Groundcover Tiarella cordifolia ‘Brandywine’ Foam Flower MD Piedmont $11
1gal Groundcover Tiarella cordifolia ‘Oakleaf’ Foam Flower NE US $11
1qt Perennial Amsonia hubrechtii Threadleaf Blue Star E US $7
1qt Perennial Anemone canadensis Anemone MD Piedmont $7
1qt Perennial Aquilegia canadensis Columbine MD Piedmont $7
1qt Perennial Asarum canadense Wild Ginger MD Piedmont $7
1qt Perennial Asclepias incarnata Swamp milkweed MD Piedmont $7
1qt Perennial Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly Weed MD Piedmont $7
1qt Perennial Coreopsis verticillata Tickseed ‘Crème Brulee’ MD Piedmont $7
1qt Perennial Dicentra eximia Cutleaf Bleeding Heart MD Piedmont $7
1gal Perennial Eupatorium dubium Baby Joe’ MD Piedmont $11
1qt Perennial Geranium maculatum ‘Espresso’ Cranesbill MD Piedmont $7
1qt Perennial Heliopsis helianthoides Ox-eye Sunflower MD Piedmont $7
1qt Perennial Heuchera americana Coral Bells MD Piedmont $7
1qt Perennial Iris versicolor Blue Flag Iris MD Piedmont $7
1qt Perennial Juncus effusus Common Rush MD Piedmont $7
1qt Perennial Liatris spicata Gayfeather E US $7
1qt Perennial Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal Flower MD Piedmont $7
1qt Perennial Lobelia siphilitica Blue Cardinal Flower MD Piedmont $7
1qt Perennial Phlox stolenifera ‘Sherwood Purple’ Creeping Phlox E US $7
1qt Perennial Phlox subulata ‘Purple Beauty’ Moss Pinks MD Piedmont $7
1qt Perennial Phlox subulata ‘Scarlet Flame’ Moss Pinks MD Piedmont $7
1qt Perennial Polemonium reptans Jacob’s Ladder MD Piedmont $7
1gal Perennial Polemonium reptens ‘Stairway to Heaven’ Variegated Jacob’s Ladder MD Piedmont $11
1qt Perennial Rudbeckia fulgida var fulgida Black eyed Susan MD Piedmont $7
1gal Perennial Solidago caesia Blue Stem Goldenrod MD Piedmont $11
1qt Perennial Solidago canadensis ‘Little Lemon’ Goldenrod NE US $7
1qt Perennial Tiarella coridfolia ‘Oakleaf’ Foam Flower NE US $7
1qt Perennial Tradescantia ‘Sweet Kate’ Spiderwort E US $7
1gal Perennial Vernonia novabonariensis Ironweed MD Piedmont $11
3gal Shrub Calycanthus floridus ‘Hartladge Wine’ Sweet shrub SE US $29
3gal Shrub Clethera alnifolia ‘Hummingbird’ Summersweet SE US $29
2gal Shrub Fothergilla major ‘Mt Airy’ Dwarf Fothergilla SE US $19
2gal Shrub Hamamelis virginiana Witch Hazel MD Piedmont $29
2gal Shrub Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ Smooth Hydrangea MD Piedmont $19
2gal Shrub Itea virginiana ‘Little Henry’ Sweetspire SE US $19
1gal Shrub Vaccinium angustifolium Lowbush blueberry MD Piedmont $19
1gal Shrub Vaccinium corymbosum ‘Patriot’ Highbush Blueberry MD Piedmont $19
2gal Shrub Viburnum prunifolium Black Haw MD Piedmont $19
3gal Tree Amalanchier canadensis Serviceberry MD Piedmont $39
3gal Tree Cercis canadensis Redbud MD Piedmont $39
3gal Tree Cornus florida Dogwood MD Piedmont $39
1gal Vines Campsis radicans Trumpet Vine MD Piedmont $13
1gal Vines Clematis virginiana Virgin’s Bower MD Piedmont $13
1gal Vines Lonicera sempervirens Honeysuckle MD Piedmont $13

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