Greywater Garden in Owings Mills
Greywater Garden in Owings Mills
One of our regular clients had a greywater garden installed, and requested that we design and plant it! This type of garden recycles greywater from homes to reduce the amount that ends up in sewers. Greywater is gently used water that comes from various household plumbing such as dishwashers, sinks, showers, and washing machines. Instead of being dumped into the sewers, it can be rerouted to help water gardens! A greywater system is a great way to reduce wasted water.
The garden was planted with:
Mountain laurel – Kalmia latifolia
Seersucker sedge – Carex plantanoides
‘Sherwood Purple’ Creeping phlox- Phlox stolonifera
Swamp Milkweed – Asclepias incarnata
Turtlehead – Chelone glabra
Christmas fern- Polystichum acrostichoides
White wood aster – Aster divaricatus
Bleeding heart – Dicentra spectabilis
‘Trevi Fountain’ Lungwort – Pulmonaria
‘Fanal’ False spirea – Astilbe
Cardinal flower – Lobelia cardinalis
Great blue lobelia – Lobelia siphilitica
Butterflyweed – Asclepias tuberosa
Interested in having your own greywater garden planted?