Maryland Native Plants for Winter Interest ‘Baileyi’ Cornus sericea – Red Twig Dogwood ‘Baileyi’ Cornus sericea – Red Twig Dogwood, also called red osier dogwood, is a large shrub with bright red branches that add color to...
Maryland Native Plant for Winter Interest Salix discolor – Pussy Willow Salix discolor – pussy willow ranges from Nova Scotia to Maryland. It is typically found growing in moist to wet soils in meadows and swamps along lakes and streams, but also...
Maryland Summer Blooms Rudbeckia triloba Rudbeckia triloba, or Brown-eyed Susan, is a herbaceous perennial that grows from 2 to 3 feet tall with a slightly smaller spread of 1-1.50 feet. Starting in July and into October, yellow flowers bloom atop hairy purple stems....
This is our second holiday season – we are so grateful & thankful for all the support & glowing reviews we’ve received. Below is our 2022 guide for holiday gift ideas! Click here to view our gift guide Follow us on Cultivate at Lauren’s...