Elderberry: Thriving Maryland Piedmont Native Plant LGS Notes: Elderberry is a large, native shrub with dark berries that attract birds, and white flowers that attract bees and butterflies. It tolerates wet soil so it can be used in larger rain gardens to add height....
‘Hummingbird’ Sweet pepperbush: Thriving Native for Maryland Piedmont LGS Notes: Hummingbird sweet pepperbush is one of our favorite native shrubs for pollinators. The flowers are filled with pollen that bees and butterflies love. Sweet pepperbush is...
‘Ruby Spice’ Sweet pepperbush: Thriving Native for Maryland Piedmont LGS Notes: ‘Ruby Spice’ sweet pepperbush, also known as summersweet, is a more colorful version of the straight species and the ‘Hummingbird’ cultivar. The...
Maryland Native Plants That Thrive Red Chokeberry LGS Notes: Red chokeberry is a more colorful alternative to the black chokeberry, however, its red berries are not as attractive to birds. I have read that the red berries do persist long into winter making for winter...
Thriving Native of Plants of Maryland Black Chokeberry LGS Notes: Black chokeberry is a great source of food for birds. It can be used for erosion control, woodland gardens, and rain gardens. The foliage turns an attractive red/orange in the fall, and its berries...
LGS Notes: Pennsylvania sedge is a native sedge that can be used for a variety of gardens. It does best in shade and part sun, but can tolerate full sun with enough water. It can be used as an alternative for lawns, as a border, to stabilize a slope, or just mixed...