Maryland Native Plants for Dry Soils Silphium trifoliatum – Whorled Rosinweed Silphium trifoliatum, commonly called Whorled Rosinweed, is a tall perennial wildflower commonly found in a variety of open meadow environments growing three to six feet tall. Defined...
Maryland Native Plants for Wet Soils Carex vulpinoidea – Fox Sedge Carex vulpinoidea, also called fox sedge grows well in damp to very wet soils in full sun to partial shade. This is a native semi-evergreen sedge, which grows on moist open ground in swamps, wet...
Maryland Native Plants for Wet Soils Aruncus dioicus – Goat’s Beard Aruncus dioicus, also known as goat’s beard best grown in moist, fertile, organically rich soils in full sun to part shade. Foliage decline can occur rapidly if soils are permitted...
Maryland Native Plants for Wet Soils Verbena hastata – Blue Vervain Verbena hastata, commonly called Blue Vervain, is a perennial which commonly occurs in wet meadows, wet river bottomlands, stream banks, slough peripheries, fields and waste areas. It is often...
Maryland Native Plants Physostegia virginiana – Obedient Plant Physostegia virginiana, also known as Obedient Plant, is a robust perennial wildflower that has bold lance shaped leaves. In late summer and early fall the foliage is topped by graceful lavender,...
Maryland Native Plants Parthenium integrifolium – Wild Quinine . Parthenium integrifolium, also known as Wild Quinine, is a rare and gorgeous native plant in the sunflower family (Asteraceae) with everything one could want in a garden perennial. It has an...