A Note From Lauren CLEANSCAPES 2023 SIGN UP OPENS APRIL 1ST!! I am so excited that it is spring! First I want to tell you that you can have us design and install a conservation landscape or rain garden at 75% the cost if approved by the Howard County...
Maryland Native Plants for Spring Amelanchier canadensis Amelanchier canadensis, Serviceberry is a deciduous multi-stemmed shrub or small tree. In the early spring, white blooms emerge. The blooms are followed by edible berries. The berries mature from green to...
Colorful Native Plants for Maryland Cercis canadensis Cercis canadensis, redbud, is deciduous, multi-trunked tree. The tree displays clusters of rosy-pink flowers in early spring. The redbud flowers are then followed by bean-like dry seedpods, which can remain...
Fragrant Native Maryland Plants Cephalanthus occidentalis Cephalanthus occidentalis, Buttonbush, is a deciduous shrub with an open-rounded habit. The leaves emerge in the late spring, and the flowers pop up in the early to mid summer. The shrub has unusual...
We get SO many requests from new gardeners looking for advice and help with their DIY planting projects. We’re always happy to show you around and answer your questions during nursery hours, but sometimes we get so busy in the spring, it’s hard for us to...