Pycnanthemum: Pollinator Powerhouses

Pycnanthemum: Pollinator Powerhouses

  Pollinator Powerhouses: Pycnanthemum   Mountain Mint Pycnanthemum muticum Pycnanthemum muticum or blunt mountain mint is a herbaceous perennial that grows best in full sun to part shade. The best condition to grow the flowers is in full sun. Its preferred...
Monarda: Pollinator Powerhouses

Monarda: Pollinator Powerhouses

  Pollinator Powerhouses: Monarda   Monarda ‘Blue Moon’ Beebalm Monarda didyma Monarda didyma ‘Blue Moon’ is a beautiful herbaceous perennial that grows best in medium to wet soil. It is commonly known as bee balm as it is a attracts...
Milkweed: Pollinator Powerhouses

Milkweed: Pollinator Powerhouses

  Pollinator Powerhouses: Milkweed Common Milkweed Asclepias syriaca Asclepias syriaca is a native perennial with upright stems and domed clusters of fragrant, pinkish-purple flowers. Flowers give way to prominent seed pods which split open when ripe. Flowers are...

Pollinator Week at LGS

  Come celebrate pollinators with us at our native plant nursery! We have an increased number of pollinator plugs in stock and all week we will be donating 10% of our sales of Monarda, Solidago, Aster, Pycanthemum, and Asclepias to the Howard County Chapter...