Maryland Native Plants for Winter: Aronia arbutifolia ‘Brilliantissima’ – Red Chokeberry
Showy Shrubs for Winter Interest
Aronia arbutifolia ‘Brilliantissima’ – Red Chokeberry
Aronia arbutifolia ‘Brilliantissima’ is a multi-stemmed shrub with a vase-shaped habit. This cultivar is slightly more compact tahn the straight species. This spring bloomer has lovely white flowers. This cultivar also boasts larger, more abundant glossy red fruit and brilliant red fall foliage. the red fruit can persist into fall/winter. Full sun is recommended for best fruit production. The fruit is very attractive to birds. Excellent red/orange fall color. This plant tends to sucker, so can be planted in mass to create a shrub border, or enjoyed as a single specimen with multi-season interest (remove root suckers if spread is not desired). Ideal near a pond or stream margin. The fruit is edible and with a tart and bitter flavor when eaten fresh, but may be used in preserves.
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