Pollinator Week 2022
Lauren’s Garden Service & Native Plant Nursery is celebrating Pollinator Week from June 18th – 26th. Kicking off Saturday the 18th with kids DIY bee puddlers and increased pollinator plugs. All week we will be donating 10% of our sales of Monarda, Solidago, Aster, Pycnanthemum, and Asclepias to the Howard County Chapter of Bee City. Ending the celebration Saturday the 25th with more DIY bee puddlers!
Pollinator Powerhouses; Asclepias, Pycnanthemum, Aster, Monarda, and Solidago
Between 75%-95% of flowering plants on earth need pollination. Pollinators include; bees, wasps, butterflies, moths, ants, beetles, flies, and bats! To support the pollinators in your yard plant native species of trees, shrubs & perennials. Insects can be specialized like the Spring Beauty Mining Bee, Andrena erigeniae. It emerges in Spring, when the Spring Beauty, Claytonia virginica flowers are blooming.