Butterflyweed Native Plant Spotlight

Sep 17, 2019 | Blog, Native Plant Spotlight

Butterflyweed asclepias tuberosa

LGS Notes: Butterflyweed is one of our absolute favorite Maryland natives.  It works well in rain gardens, dry soil, meadows, and rocky soil.  It is also an excellent food source for a variety of pollinators, including monarchs.  Butterfly weed grows much shorter than milkweed at only 2.5 feet tall. We’ve had it succeed in pots in the shade although it usually likes at least 5 hours of sun. Butterfly weed looks awesome in a meadow planting mixed with little bluestem, prairie dropseed, cardinal flower and gayfeather. I like to combine it with milkweed, false sunflower, asters, bee balm and purple coneflowers in a pollinator garden.

Click Here to Get a Quote for Butterflyweed from our nursery!

Latin name: Asclepias tuberosa
Common Name: butterfly weed/butterflyweed  
Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Apocynaceae
Native Range: Eastern and southern United States
Zone: 3 to 9
Height: 1.00 to 2.50 feet
Spread: 1.00 to 1.50 feet
Bloom Time: June to August
Bloom Description: Yellow/orange
Sun: Full sun
Water: Dry to medium
Maintenance: Low
Suggested Use: Naturalize, Rain Garden
Flower: Showy
Attracts: Butterflies
Tolerate: Deer, Drought, Erosion, Dry Soil, Shallow-Rocky Soil

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