When Life Gives You Rain, Install Rain Gardens!

May 26, 2016 | Blog

Maybe the above picture reminds you of a familiar sight in your backyard? In case you haven’t noticed, it’s been an uncommonly rainy May so far in Maryland and the good ol’ rain is showing us a lot of drainage problems. According to the Baltimore Sun, all of this recent rain was just three days short of breaking the last 17 day rainfall streak (which was back in 1935!) Unlike different parts of the country that are familiar with large bouts of rain, Maryland natives tend to be more cheery with warm, sunny Mays. Here’s hoping that the recent sun and warmth we’ve been having is an end to all of the constant rain! Oh, and we have a solution to the makeshift pool above: rain gardens!

At Lauren’s Garden Service we absolutely love sunny days, but the rainy weather reminds us of some pretty cool projects that utilize water, and more specifically rain water! When you have a drainage problem, we won’t just redirect water flow elsewhere. We specialize in installing rain gardens which help the environment and create solutions to backyard dilemmas like drainage problems! Plus rain gardens are great ways to be resourceful with what mother nature gives. You won’t have a yard that looks like the above picture, you’ll have a beautiful garden creating the right kind of ambiance to your yard. When installing a rain garden, our goal is to make you happy, nature happy, and potentially your neighbors happy for not guiding water problems to them!


Here are some rain gardens that we have done in the past. If you have any questions, check out our dedicated Rain Garden page!

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